Snow in Cumbria
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Walk and Travel in Cumbria and Beyond

Sunshine in Coniston

Sunshine in Coniston

When the snow eventually arrived it just dumped on us, but for a day we had high pressure and blue sky.  Unexpectedly.  So it was a quick breakfast, pack backpacks and go.

The roads were fine after the chaos of the night before and even off the main A590 and onto the Torver/Coniston road the snow plough and griter had been and cleared our way.  It was just so wonderful to see some blue sky after so many dull grey days. 

Everywhere looks so different, Torver looking more Alpine than Cumbria.

As it happen we ended up only on a short walk up Walna Scar road and down by the copper mine track.  The blue did not last long and once up the hill the wind decided to grace us with its presence blowing clouds on top of the Old Man.  Add to this my dog’s lack of leg length.  She did not complain, but leapt valiantly from foot print to foot print.  Exerting so much energy there was no way she needed the coat I usually wrap her in on snow days.

So not exactly an adventure, but we were outside for a couple of hours in sheltered valleys and photogenic scenery and everyone was so happy.  The sunshine was doing more than giving us more than vitamin  D. Click below  to see more pictures.

More walks round Coniston


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