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Walk and Travel in Cumbria and Beyond

Obsidian Trail

Obsidian Trail

Inspired by ‘Wild’,

I’ve had the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail)  high on my list of walks for ages. 

An item on my bucket list. 

Being  that it runs 2659miles almost from Mexico to Canada,

I’m not sure I’ll ever get to do it all,


BUT now I’ve set both feet on it.


Hiking PCT

On the PCT

Hiked all of 1.7miles, in Oregon.  One of the most beautiful parts in the Three Sisters Wilderness area.

Three Sisters are a high mountain range in the Cascade range, Oregon. At 10,000 feet with glaciers still dripping through climate change, looking at them from the trail was as close as I was going to get.

Three Sisters

Three Sisters from Newbury Crater


The Obsidian trail is tightly controlled and you have to apply in advance for a pass to go through.  Only 30 or so a day are issued to keep you on the trail and protect the eco system.


Limited access

Walk the first few miles through deep, ancient forest.  Dripping with lichen, adorned with multiple varieties of fungi.  Testament to the clean air.


Fabulous Fungi

Rich vegetation ends with an abrupt wall of black lava.  Higher than a house the cinder like wall rises almost vertically ahead.


Lava flow

Seemingly impassible at first glance the trail crunches round the side and over the top.

Trees have managed to root.  Green pines a stark contrast with the post apocalyptic landscape.



As quickly as it began it ends.  Step from extinguished coals into a lush valley of wild flowers.  Complete with a babbling brook.

Obsidian Trail Meadow

First meadow on Obsidian Trail

From this point the trail makes a lollipop loop.  Rising steadily up through more forests.

Obsidian Trail

Wild flower meadow

Alpine meadows filling clearings and shallow valleys.  Blue carpets of wild lupins.  Others with more colours than Josephs coat.  Flakes of obsidian sparkle through.  The trail name becomes obvious.

Obsidian Trail

Obsidian Trail

All the while the Sisters, Brother and Husband look down, etched grey and white against summer blue sky.

PCT trail

North Sister from PCT

Obsidian ends on the PCT.  And so I got to tick it.  Just a very short stretch on a high plateau with a small, sparkling tarn and stream fed from a  ice water spring seeping from under a rock.

PCT Oregan

On the PCT

Sad to leave the reverie we took the more mundane Glacier Trail back to our first meadow and then through the forest to our carefully ticketed car.  Beware high fines for incorrect passes.

Carefully planned and researched, for once, this walk more than lived up to expectations.

If you enjoy my pictures and words, please like and share.

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