Sultry Souther Fell

Ullswater rested in the valley without even a ripple.
Low light bounced off resplendent golden sycamore and oak.
Water slewed off the hills in torrents as I drove beyond Patterdale to the northern hills.
The same light and water which made driving a hazard, created a picture fit for the Romantics.
Unfortunately it didn’t last.
By the time I reached my first hill of the day all Romanticism had disappeared and found the top of Little Mell Fell in a sulk.
I was rather glad that it took only 15 minutes to dash, in the hail, to the top of this diminutive Wainwright, before meeting a friend for hot coffee and cake. An interlude in the day. We were about to hike up Souther. Cake and coffee maybe weren’t such a great idea. Dragging myself outside again proved the biggest challenge.
Well may be not quite. Wet slushy snow was slightly slippery.
Bannerdale and Craggs, higher, had more of the white stuff.
Blue began to filter in and there was even
a rainbow.
Then on the way down and across the valley the Mell Fells appeared to be bathed in sunshine. Perhaps I had simply got my timing wrong.
Souther route
and this is the OS Map and Wainwright’s book.
It was a wonderful walk, I’d recommend it to anyone.
Great company too!