Warwickshire to Wainwrights

Reasons was born because of days like Saturday. June days when the rain bustles in sideways, when frozen ice batters sandwich boxes and food has a semi permeable film. When the wind blows so strongly there is no chance of jumping off a cliff.
Why do you want to go back? At times I wondered.
When after a soggy weekend in the Lakes, drained from M6 madness, the warm summer air hit me as I stepped out of an air conditioned cocoon. Could this really be the same country?
Not really sure who I was trying to convince, a tightly closed, never public, Facebook album, reasonstomovenorth started to grow.
Pictures of quiet tarns.
Deep green hills, dramatic sky and jagged horizons.
Splendid isolation with colour splashed rocks.
Places where the detritus of an industrial past linger around corners.
With houses drawn by Beatrix Potter
and the Brothers Grim gave a hand in the design of bridges.
Whoever filled in the details and joined the dots, they knew exactly the colour mix and light. Just enough to make you linger a little too long and may be come back to live.
As I did.
With Rosie.
To whom this post is dedicated. She climbed her 124th Wainwright on Saturday and after a brief 24 hour illness passed away on Monday.
Her final walk from Holme Fell. Distances etc. here.
I’m so sorry to here of her passing. The quality of her life would have been immense and she has you to thank for that. I hope the understandable grief will diminish in time to loving memories.
Thank you Ray. There are no more words just now, but there are so many wonderful memories.
Hi Alvina that is such a special dedication to Rosie. So sorry but pleased to have met her. X Diana
What a beautiful dedication to Rosie. You have honoured her with your beautiful words and pictures. What wonderful memories you have of her, and what a blessed life she had
Oh that is so sad. I am sorry to hear that 🙁
Thank you. She was loved by many. I miss her dreadfully.