Wetherlam from Coniston
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Walk and Travel in Cumbria and Beyond

Way up Wetherlam

Way up Wetherlam

Where were they?

The first weekend of full sun saw the roads fill to the capacity of city streets

with pubs and cafes spillinth their contents out to the pavements.

Many may have climbed the iconic routes,

or may  be they stayed on the lakes.

But the hills above Coniston were blissfully tourist free.

An interesting route up.

Including a good run of scree in an ascent of 300m in less than 4.


With a reward greater than usual, Coniston was soon seen spread out below.  Snaking its glaciated trail to the distant west coast.


Coniston from Yewdale Fells

Thence followed an easy bounce over the hillocks of Yewdale, before navigating the associated Moss. Bookended by the white tipped Helvellyn range.


Yewdale Moss

Success, in this case, feeling dry feet.

Plan A was to head up to the ridge just south of Wetherlam via Steel Edge.  A gentle spur leading up to what looked like the impenetrable black mass of Lad Stones.


Steel Edge and Ladstone

The ridge, an easy wedge of a walk up to ominous black rocks.


Steel Edge Ridge

All the more picturesque with white snow highlights.  And the black came close. The Lad Stone strata has allowed foliage to creep in and provides a natural, if somewhat erratic flight of steps.

Steel Edge

Down the ridge

Stretch and challenge it was, but not quite as much as I’d anticipated.  Plan A achieved



So followed: relief, warmth, relax, enjoy and sheer joy at being


on top of a hill with, snow, light and water.

Coniston Old Man

Coniston Old Man

All photos from my Fuji X-T1, 14mm lens bought from Calumet at the photography show in last weeks rain!

And the route


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