Windermere Great Swim

I received a medal today. As did hundreds of others!
Just for a change I swam in Windermere rather than walking somewhere above it on a mountain. Swimming is one of my regular fitness regime activities and I can quite happily swim a mile in a pool.
Writing this post is an opportunity to defer any greater physical activity for a while. The lake in a wetsuit. So much harder. If you have been asked for sponsorship for anyone else who is swimming in open water. Then pay up! It is a challenge, far more challenging than scrambling up Sharp Edge last week! Probably the closest I shall get to running a marathon and to finish in less than an hour amazed me.
Last weekend, when we had summer, there was a training session run by Great Swim and it was well worth doing. Except that I was almost convinced I wouldn’t make the mile. Hence my current jubilation.
From a complete novice at this, swimming in a wetsuit slows you down. The temperature was not as cold as expected. Though my hands were white when I had finished. As warned at the training day, I did feel very wobbly when I finished.
Organisation was fantastic. Thanks for the goody bag. Water, energy water and bars much appreciated. The human foil wrapper was not needed today so will go in the emergency section of my backpack.
Will I do it again? Asked at 10am, no. At 1pm, a definite may be.
So an opportunity to take some photos with a slightly different perspective.
Probably just as well I didn’t have a water proof camera today.
Another good reason to go north. Back to walking tomorrow.
oh wow this is fantastic well done!
Thank you – good to push the boundaries sometimes.
Wow! That is incredible! I am totally in awe of you doing that, I cannot begin to even imagine attempting it. Hats off to you!