Well Trodden Path

It is a few weeks since I have walked on my own,usually I enjoy company,but sometimes commitments and ‘stuff’ mean that just doesn’t happen and there is a lot to be said for walking alone. I often spend so much time chatting I don’t always remember to ‘stand and stare’.
Loughrigg is a well trodden track and in summer can be ‘heaving’ with foot traffic and mountain bikes. On the last Sunday of the summer holidays though, at 9am, there were few others around, and those few were mountain bikers not walkers. I suspect the serious hikers had headed for the more challenging peaks. I just had to make do with looking at them.
Until I was 18 I lived in south Lakes and people assume I know all the fells in the Lake District. Although I first walked Helvellyn age 10, I spent more time messing about on lakes in kayaks and boats . So until quite recently the only hill I could identify by sight was The Lion and the Lamb, Helm Crag. So walking up Loughrigg, I realised, with a modicum of pride, how much I had walked and how much I had learned, or relearned, since my return to the area
I was quite complacent about walking up this little ‘Wainwright’’, and previously, had not realised how many of the peaks of the south and central Lake District could be seen. Probably because I had no idea what they were!
On the way up Low and High Pike herald Dove Crag and Rydal Head with the far side of the Fairfield horseshoe.
A little higher and Loughrigg Fell gets in the way of views north, but turn back and look over the valley of Ambleside and Wansfell pike, walk in snow or shine. As the cloud was lifting Kentmere was just in view with now the unmissable Ill Bell.
A few mountain bikers had passed me on the track but no walkers until I reached the cairn, then it was a couple with a baby! only they were up at such a ‘stupid o’clock’ on a Sunday morning!
The Cairn provides that classic view of Windermere to the south until the final hike up to the trig point when the Coniston range appears.
and then, the Langdales…
To those of you who have been hiking up here for the past 20 years it is probably no big deal but for me, seeing the Crinkles, the sickles, Pavey Ark, Wetherlam and Coniston Old Man was quite satisfying, particularly knowing I had slogged my way up them all!
On the way back peer over Grasmere to Easdale and
Helm Crag..
Take a right and over Rydal water with Nab Scar is to the left.
Good coffee stop is Cote How, where you may be lucky and see the Red Deer in the garden.
So, when you haven’t got all day, and the sun is shining take a quick hike up Loughrigg and see where everyone else is!
Walks in this area here, and here
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- Cross Fell from Kirkland - [...] like a Wainwright sketch. How many can you name? I was a bit more puzzled than when I walked…
Great blog and photos – I like walking on my own and with others. Funny about knowing the names of mountains – when I was little my Dad seemed to know them all and I really wanted to know what they were. I only started to manage that when I started walking them more often. I am pretty good now too!
Thank you. Quite satisfying knowing the names, isn’t it!
rosie used to be a greyhound
Great organic nosh at Cote How too.