A short walk up a hill

There was more to drive than walk from my home in S Lakes, to our eventual camp.
But the day was hot, so the drive at the end of my day job tipped the temperature to a more manageable level.
Sharp silhouettes were forming across the skyline,
natural and created by man.
Folds etched into hillsides unseen in the height of the day.
We walked up, the sun dipped down. Throwing the distance into sharp relief and brightly clarifying closer colours.
Setting up camp there was just the remnants of the harsh summer sun. Ending the day in a gentle dusky pink .
Dawn broke delightfully clear. Forecast for our summer to break before, yet there were no drops of rain. Just a lingering mist and change of direction for the golden hew.
There could be nowhere more idyllic to watch the world come to life.
It was not to last. Clouds harbouring dementors gathered in the wings.
Almost over taking me at Innominate.
Slowly massing overhead to bring the day predicted and a brief respite to the unusual and much enjoyed summer of 2018.
Hopefully the sun will come out again soon! After all the schools have just broken up and August is yet to begin.