
Since the typical Cumbrian weather returned.
There was no point wishing for those long, clear blue days of lock down.
Instead I wandered out to find waterfalls.
Ingleton waterfalls walk being somewhere I’ve been going to since
I was bribed with an ice cream ‘at the top of the hill’.
Similar arrangements were made between myself and my son.
The ice cream van is still there to provide suitable ammunition for enthusiastic parents and reluctant offspring.
There was a lot of water
And time to play with shutter speeds and try to decide, slow?
Or fast?
This is kind of in between and perhaps the one I like best.
Then a potter over to a local hill where I came across another waterfall I’d not see before. Not so impressive, but pretty.
Then there is Cautley Spout. With its full drop of 175m.
Dropping down a narrow gap into nothingness
With a small addition above
Walking up the stream the source seams somewhat benign.