Sprung Spring

Whenever you go away things change. During my latest trip, winter left and spring arrived. I don’t have to walk the dog in the dark again till next October! This weekend Everything appeared to be up, out and about.
I could hardly believe I had managed to catch this Goosander trying to swallow this rather large meal. The tufted ducks were promenading along the canal and the finches were particularly vociferous. Green has been injected into the hedgerows and spring flowers are adding splashes of colour.
There is a small wetland area sandwiched between the main London to Glasgow line and the A6 which has been pretty much impassable for the past few weeks and certainly devoid of visible signs of life. This weekend it was possible to negotiate a reasonably dry route between the ponds while watching the lapwings sky dive above the more serene swans and herons. It’s easily accessible with only a short walk from the B6384, worth a visit.
On Sunday I walked from Arnside with some friends. from the Promenade, through Far Arnside and Silverdale. Up over the Pepper pot and Middleborrow Quarry. Returning by Arnside Tower and over the Knott. (combined walks 10, 2 and 6 from Walks in Silverdale and Arnside).
The coastal rescue were trying out a new toy in Arnside, which was perhaps appropriate, as just as we climbed up the cliffs from the shore past Far Arnside the tidal bore came in, carrying some enthusiastic kayakers.
Middleborough Quarry is no longer used and has been planted with trees in the base. There was speculation among us as to if it could be used as a concert venue. May be not.
Lunch was eaten in the lea of Arnside Tower, though little remains. The white farm looks quite picturesque with a cropped view, but was surrounded by the usual mechanical detritus. Including the Toyota. It did have licence plates but must have had all manner of life within it. The dog kept us company but the fate of the hens was clearly the chop. Did the cockerel have the casting vote I wonder?
As we returned over Arnside Knott the light on the now full estuary provided the final spectacle of the day and once more I reflected how wonderful life is if you just make a little effort to get up, get out and look.
Follow the links, or check the slideshow for the rest of the pictures mentioned.
Apparently the coast guard rescue was not a rehearsal! Someone was stuck in the quicksand!