Scafell Scramble

How to cope with challenging routes?
Dare I say be as unprepared as possible?
Well, not totally wear the right kit but just don’t read or look at pictures. It had worked perfectly on Sharp Edge. I can honestly say if I had seen the pictures of where I scrambled that day, I would never have gone.
So when there was a slight indication that Scafell via Lord’s Rake, West Wall Traverse and Deep Gill may be challenging I chose to remain in blissful ignorance.
Challenging? A bit, but fabulous fun.
Wasdale was clear but cloud clung to the top as we set off up Lingmell.
But what an atmosphere
I didn’t look back much on the way up Mickledore
that had to wait until I reached the top. Wasdale behind and
the Esk ahead.
I took a look through ‘Fat Man’s Agony’ but that will be another day, I hope!
Time to stop enjoying the view, put the poles away and scramble up Lord’s Rake
Squeeze through the needle before turning left
along the West Wall Traverse
and a final scramble up the Gill
pausing to see the miniature plants hidden within
The top was rather an anti-climax.
Everything swathed in mist and views were left up to the imagination, until
there was a glimmer of light.
Cloud slipped from the ridge
then painted it green.
Silver filled the tarns
ochre spilt into the valley.
The return to Wasdale was etched in high definition
until the sun slid gently away.
And in case you think I was somewhat irresponsible not reading up on the route – I took someone with me who knew it like the back of his hand. Far better than a book.
The route
The Map |
The book |