Pillar via Kirk Fell

Little did I realise when on top of Kirk Fell in a rare glorious summer’s day that in only a matter of weeks I would be there again in equally balmy sunshine.
This time though I was merely ‘passing through’, on the way to Pillar.
Haphazard route – recorded successfully and can be downloaded from Getamap here. Not that you need it if the weather is good, the paths are fairly clear, bar on the scree up Kirk Fell and there you just go UP.
Even before reaching the NT car park (free to all) shimmering Wast Water indicated a beautiful day
with Kirk Fell waiting
with only the slightest cloud remaining.
So Kirk Fell – see previous blog – just slog up to the top for the reward of Great Gable
and destination Pillar.
Ennerdale was still hidden but the possible ‘high route’ of day 2 of my imminent Coast to Coast route appeared an arms length away with Whiteside and Whiteless over the next fold.
Not many people were on top but as usual those that were had come from all directions, many from Honister
I just couldn’t stop taking pictures of Gable, as mesmerising as The Matterhorn.
These fungi looked delicious. They were about 15 cm high and across. Anyone know if they were edible? I didn’t risk it.
Bit of a scramble down to Black Sail Pass but a great pose opportunity!
So mini cacti as well as giant mushrooms inhabit Kirk Fell
Then on the way to Pillar
there were tiny tarns
Things became a little more steep
and rocky
Robinsons cairn being a good place to rest and recuperate while contemplating Pillar Rock
and the way ahead
Then the final scramble
a last longing look at Pillar rock
before the top
And Wast Water still looked beautiful after a hike up a hill
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