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Walk and Travel in Cumbria and Beyond

Low Level Weekend

Low Level Weekend

Sometimes the storms, wind, rain, the thought of being battered sideways in nil visibility make clinging to the southern fringes of Cumbria an all too better prospect.

Restricted to Saturday for walking  meant I would be high up in the hills around mid day , had I ventured that far.

By then bushes in the garden were preying their roots will hold and wheely bins were chasing each other down the street with the velocity of a free style snowboarder.

Just for something different I followed a route from the Nuttalls’ Tarns of Lakeland.  Their potted history lessons add intrigue and interest to what is rather in uneventful trail around three south Cumbria Tarns.


Flooded fields, south Cumbria

Tales of infidelity and bribery in the time of Henry and Katherine are linked to  Ratherheath, Cunswick and Moss Side Tarns.   I must admit I found the book a little more interesting than the walk.  Though it was a good exercise in map reading.  The paths on the ‘fringes’ are far less trodden than on the Wainwright hills and the only people I met were on on the top of the highest point, Cunswick Scar.

Ratherheath Tarn

Ratherheath Tarn

Apart from the Scar and finding my way, there was the  challenge of staying on my feet with the sheep shorn grass turn to a slippery film.  When it broke, it took hold of my boots with a glue like grip and slowed me down to the speed of an uphill scramble.  The snow covered peaks lurked in the distance and I had certain degree of ‘snow envy’, but when the heavens opened as I kicked off my mud covered boots, I was glad I stayed low and local.  Near Orrest

… and then on Sunday the ‘sun’ yes remember that golden yellow ball in the sky came out!  I dashed back up the M6 after a friend’s wonderful 50th in Stratford.  Just in time to grab a quick, head clearing walk  over Orrest head.



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