The Limestone Link
I walk part of the Limestone Link on most days but I had, until Friday, never walked all of it. Farleton Knott and Hutton Roof Crags are...
Read MoreArthur and Bill Baggin
After a miserable drizzly Saturday, Sunday had to be the day to go up a hill or two. Early on snow clouds hung low in the sky, but by the...
Read MoreThe Helm
Having driven past this hill on numerous occasions, today, I stopped to walk the dog up it. It was rather a dull, grey sort of day but...
Read MoreAlpine Walking
Having just returned from Zermatt from a ski trip I never expected to be writing a walking blog this week. But I discovered ‘Wander Weg’...
Read MoreWeekend Walking North Lakes Part 2
Just outside the National Park , Penrith sits on the North Eastern Corner of the Lake District and the boundary follows the A66 west...
Read MoreOrrest Head
Friday was a ‘blue sky day’ but though not at work all day I still had commitments and could not dedicate myself to the hills...
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