Obsidian Trail
Inspired by ‘Wild’, I’ve had the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) high on my list of walks for ages. An item on my bucket list. Being that it...
Read MoreCrater Lake National Park
Crater Lake sits like an egg cup of blue ink. Not a crater at all. A caldera Created when Mount Mazama dropped in to a hollow interior....
Read MoreWineries and Whales
Whales and Wineries The Oregon coast and in a bit. Mountains sprung to mind when I thought of Oregon. Cheryl Strayed battled with them on...
Read MoreWeekday Wander
Another midweek walk. The long summer evenings are to be taken advantage of. Somewhere new. South for a walk? I was in for a pleasant...
Read MoreFewston Reservoir
The plan. a quiet stroll ‘around’ the reservoir. In actuality we spent more time in it, or were we ‘on it’? I’ll leave that one...
Read MoreCumbria’s Heat Wave
Cumbria’s Heat Wave! For one day The temperature soared above 30C. Those lovely lakes filled by what can feel like incessant rain have...
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